daňový poradce

Malý tuzemský dopravce

Dotaz: Jsme tuzemský malý dopravce, společnost s.r.o. a v Německu se nám porouchala dodávka. Jelikož jsme nebyli schopni opravu provést na místě sami, dodávka byla převezena do opravy a německou firmou, plátcem daně byla opravena. Auto jsme si vyzvedli v servise a převezli poté do ČR. Kdo vlastně zaplatí DPH?

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Tax Advise - Online

We provide online consultancy in the field of accounting and taxes. We will answer a simpler question starting at CZK 300. In case of a more complicated question, the question will be evaluated by the tax advisor and the client will be informed about the price in advance.
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To enter a query:

  • Write your inquiry in detail in the box above;
  • Fill in the billing information, company, name and surname, company ID, VAT number, address, e-mail, telephone;
  • We will then inform you of the price for the solution of your inquiry and an advance invoice will be sent to you;
  • A response will be sent to you within 3 to 72 hours, depending on the complexity of the request, after the payment has been credited to our account;
  • In exceptional cases, individual solutions can be agreed upon.

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